Sunday, December 2, 2012

DIY Native American influenced War Bonnet

i've always admired the romantic beauty of the Native American arts and culture...i teach in my art class here in the Czech Republic and  i make Native influenced jewlery...ect. i hope that you will receive inspiration from these tutorials to make your own...P.S....i know , i know that women wearing War bonnets is frowned upon,but there's no disrespect....This is the year 2012...and women can do whatever we want....

                                                                 The War Bonnet
     To start, chose any feathers that your heart desires..It's your own influence from these rich cultures, not an exact replica. It is hard to find and expensive to buy large feathers in Prague. So i took medium sized and small feathers hot glued them to skewers, then wrapped yarn around the tops.Then i measured a thin corregated cardbord strip around my head to the back of my ears. Make it longer if you like. Glue the sticks in the cardboard holes.
add as many feathers as you like.
it looks better when the small feather with the "furry" texture, or plumes are near the crown.
Then i took three thick strips of fabric and sewed trimming on the top. You can use two.
I can't tell you measurements...this will have to be trial and error...This labour of love is time consuming
worth it.
Secure the back strap with straps that tie around your head at the ends, or use a strap long enough.
i glued mine because i used sticks,feathers can be sewn on.
This one is a short bonnet, the feather band can be as long as you like.
Decorate the top band with trimming. make the trimming longer than the band to add texture.
Secure it to the top feathers and to the back strap.
Add the rossettes(the round things on the side)
For these, i used decorated cardboard and gold doilies.
i then tied it on the sides of the forhead with yarn old buttons.
use a picture for the positioning.
After they are tied add feathers,plumes and or braided cord behind the rosettes.
                                   i added plumes to the end because the feather band is short.
This is the final result.
I love my bonnet, when i'm not wearing it,it sits in my flat as decoration.
I hope this was resourceful to you.
Have fun and try different things when making your own.
Example.Wrapping flat thin trimming around the bottoms of the eagle feathers, then securing them to the band will create a wider,more authentic and moveable bonnet.